Sunday, June 8, 2008


  1. A compound in garlic called s-allylcysteine appears to stop the metabolic action that causes a healthy cell to become cancerous.
  2. Eating 1 tablespoon of flaxseed each day with water, yogurt or sprinkled on the fruit or cereal is a wonderful tip to keep the colon clean and functional.
  3. Berries are very high n the immunity-boosting antioxidant vitamins C and E. In fact, strawberries are higher in vit C than oranges.
  4. Honey contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for proper metabolism and the digestion of glucose and other sugars. Stir some honey into your tea and get double the health benefits: in the tea and in the honey.
  5. Vegetable juices have great benefits: they don't have the sugar levels that the fruit ones have, you can mix different varieties to get more vitamins and minerals. You can drink all you want. They are also rich in fiber and antioxidants.
  6. Avocado tends to turn brown when it's exposed to air. This discoloration doesn't hurt anything, it just look unattractive. Mix a lemon juice with the avocado to preserve its green color.
  7. As you get older, make sure that the foods you eat are as nutrient-dense as possible. Nutrient-dense foods are those loaded with vitamins. minerals and phytochemicals, and relatively low on calories.
  8. Even though we may need to eat more certain foods in order to live longer, researchers are finding that opposite can also be true: People who eat less may live more years.
  9. If you are fighting boomerang yeast infections, choose plain or artificially sweetened yogurt.
  10. sweet potatoes have healing powers: they can preserve memory, control the insulin and glucose level and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

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